Summoning the art of poetry, the Valentino Autumn-Winter 2019-20 collection offers a story of the inner world and the touchable – an ode to imagination, and above all to the experience of the most beautiful and complex feeling there is: love.

Valentino dared to meet the challenge:  offering a poetic collection born of the eternal theme of love – and carefully avoiding falling into simplistic representations or clichés.  For it is an inner journey that Pierpaolo Piccioli invites us to feel, and not the least: that of an abyssal fall within ourselves, where a universe often incomprehensible to ourselves nestles, teeming with complex emotions and feelings, and that the designer calls to the surface of the fabric with the Valentino signature style.

And who else but poets can express the unspeakable?  Poetry, the fashion house claims, is “an antique art, deeply human and real, that changes its context but not its meaning. It opens and it combines. It becomes an instrument for all”. This encounter of poetry and fashion is sublimated by Pierpaolo Piccioli, tremendously supported by the house’s master artisans of couture. For this A/H 2019-2020 collection, the designer embraces the layering of the contents within the short and essential silhouettes, engaging words and prints, intarsias and nuances, matter and jacquards. A new rhythm is given to poetic verses sewn together, as if they were the recovering stitches of an inner experience –  or as meditative prints like  a second skin.  Similarly, collages, superimpositions and iconographic puns appear, signed Jun Takahashi by Undercover, which, according to the house, are in their own way poems: abrasive, immediate, they complete the silhouette in composite harmonies.

Like a poetic apparition offered to passers-by at the bend of a street or other public space – a favorite place of urban art -, the collection praises poetry of everyday life.  A sensation picked up at random, capable of evoking a deeper emotion for anyone who wants to explore it. This is the Valentino silhouette for this collection A /H 2019, nourished by the contemporary poetry of four contemporary poets – Greta Bellamacina, Mustafa The Poet, Yrsa Daley-Ward, Robert Montgomery – who entrust their thoughts on love to a small publication: Valentino ON LOVE.

A 2019 Couture spirit that is inspired by an essential humanist depth may just exactly be what is needed in today’s quest for purpose indeed.  





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